Bjr! I’ve been thinking of this post for a while, and I finally got around to putting it on (metaphorical) pen and paper. This is about the time that Spring Break rolls around for kids in the States, and before you know it it’s summer time; we call this “Bikini Season”. I’ve never been a fan, because A) it’s hella hot in Texas so I stay indoors 24/7 and B) I’ve never felt I had a “beach body”. Which I now realize is dumb because it was a patriarchal society telling me what I could and couldn’t wear as a teenager but also literally everyone has a beach body; all you have to do is go to the beach and boom, beach body. (Okay, rant over.)

But in all seriousness, I wanted to start a body positivity writing challenge for myself and anyone else who wants to participate. Our bodies are amazing and are capable of so much cool shit, no matter how it looks. What’s important is how we feel and that we love our bodies because we only get one in this life! That being said; this is a 15 day challenge you can start whenever you want, because #lifehappens. Even if you don’t have a blog (hi, Facebook friends!) you can do this in your journal. So let’s have fun and begin to love our bodies a little more.

1. Give your definition of “body positivity”.

2. What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think of yourself?

3. Write about a time when self love and body positivity weren’t a part of your regular vocabulary.

4. Write about your favorite meal, and how it makes you feel. (Optional: post the recipe!)

5. Who is your body positivity role model and why?

6. What’s one exercise you love and why? What’s one you really dislike?

7. Write about an experience where your body surprised you!

8. Write a love letter to a body part you’ve been neglecting a lil’ bit.

9. Describe your favorite outfit and (optional) post a picture!

10. How do your emotions affect your body?

11. If it weren’t for my body…

12. Choose a body part you love and give three reasons why.

13. I can treat my body better by….

14. Write about one thing you would never change about your body.

15. Write a post about what you’ve learned through this challenge.